
This commit is contained in:
GongDragon 2024-11-29 09:50:37 +08:00
parent 0efd65d8fc
commit d96d3a1025
8 changed files with 2483 additions and 43 deletions

View File

@ -7,22 +7,74 @@
<div id="3d-graph"></div>
<div style="position: absolute; top: 5px; right: 5px;">
<button id="rotationToggle" style="margin: 8px; height: 25px; width: 150px;">
<script type="importmap">{ "imports": { "three": "//unpkg.com/three/build/three.module.js" }}</script>
<script type="module">
import SpriteText from "//unpkg.com/three-spritetext/dist/three-spritetext.mjs";
const distance = 500;
let isRotationActive = true;
// Random tree
const N = 200;
const gData = {
nodes: [...Array(N).keys()].map(i => ({ id: i })),
links: [...Array(N).keys()]
.filter(id => id)
.map(id => ({
source: id,
target: Math.round(Math.random() * (id-1))
// const N = 300;
// const gData = {
// nodes: [...Array(N).keys()].map(i => ({ id: i,group:Math.floor(i/7) })),
// links: [...Array(N).keys()]
// .filter(id => id)
// .map(id => ({
// source: id,
// target: Math.round(Math.random() * (id-1))
// }))
// };
const Graph = ForceGraph3D()
// .graphData(gData)
// .nodeLabel('id')
// .linkDirectionalParticles("value")
// .linkDirectionalParticleWidth(2)
// .linkDirectionalParticleSpeed(d => d.value * 0.001)
// .linkWidth(2)
.nodeThreeObject(node => {// 借助三方库 实现文字几何的展示
const sprite = new SpriteText(node.id);
sprite.material.depthWrite = false; // make sprite background transparent
sprite.color = node.color;// node.color
sprite.textHeight = 8;
return sprite;
.linkDirectionalArrowLength(3)// 让边带上箭头
.linkDirectionalArrowRelPos(1)// 设置箭头位置
.cameraPosition({ z: distance })
// Spread nodes a little wider
// Graph.d3Force('charge').strength(-120);
// camera orbit
let angle = 0;
let time = setInterval(() => {
if (isRotationActive) {
x: distance * Math.sin(angle),
y: 0,
z: distance * Math.cos(angle),
angle += Math.PI / 300;
}, 10);
document.getElementById('rotationToggle').addEventListener('click', event => {
isRotationActive = !isRotationActive
isRotationActive = !isRotationActive
event.target.innerHTML = `${(isRotationActive ? '暂停' : '重置')} 旋转`;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
<style> body { margin: 0; } </style>
<script src="3d-force-graph.min.js"></script>
<!--<script src="../../dist/3d-force-graph.js"></script>-->
<div id="3d-graph"></div>
// Random tree
const N = 1500;
const gData = {
nodes: [...Array(N).keys()].map(i => ({ id: i })),
links: [...Array(N).keys()]
.filter(id => id)
.map(id => ({
source: id,
target: Math.round(Math.random() * (id-1))
const Graph = ForceGraph3D()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
<style> body { margin: 0; } </style>
<script src="3d-force-graph.min.js"></script>
<!--<script src="../../dist/3d-force-graph.js"></script>-->
<div id="3d-graph"></div>
<div style="position: absolute; top: 5px; right: 5px;">
<button id="rotationToggle" style="margin: 8px; height: 25px; width: 150px;">
<script type="importmap">{ "imports": { "three": "//unpkg.com/three/build/three.module.js" }}</script>
<script type="module">
import SpriteText from "//unpkg.com/three-spritetext/dist/three-spritetext.mjs";
const distance = 2500;
let isRotationActive = true;
// Random tree
const N = 1500;
const gData = {
nodes: [...Array(N).keys()].map(i => ({ id: i,group:Math.floor(i/300) })),
links: [...Array(N).keys()]
.filter(id => id)
.map(id => ({
source: id,
target: Math.round(Math.random() * (id-1))
const Graph = ForceGraph3D()
// .jsonUrl('./miserables.json')
.linkDirectionalParticleSpeed(d => 4 * 0.001)// d.value
// .nodeThreeObject(node => {// 借助三方库 实现文字几何的展示
// const sprite = new SpriteText(node.id);
// sprite.material.depthWrite = false; // make sprite background transparent
// sprite.color = node.color;// node.color
// sprite.textHeight = 8;
// return sprite;
// })
// .linkDirectionalArrowLength(3)// 让边带上箭头
// .linkDirectionalArrowRelPos(1)// 设置箭头位置
.onNodeClick(node => {
// Aim at node from outside it
const distance = 2400;
const distRatio = 1 + distance/Math.hypot(node.x, node.y, node.z);
const newPos = node.x || node.y || node.z
? { x: node.x * distRatio, y: node.y * distRatio, z: node.z * distRatio }
: { x: 0, y: 0, z: distance }; // special case if node is in (0,0,0)
newPos, // new position
node, // lookAt ({ x, y, z })
3000 // ms transition duration
.cameraPosition({ z: distance })
// Spread nodes a little wider
// Graph.d3Force('charge').strength(-120);
// camera orbit
let angle = 0;
let time = setInterval(() => {
if (isRotationActive) {
x: distance * Math.sin(angle),
y: 0,
z: distance * Math.cos(angle),
angle += Math.PI / 400;
}, 10);
document.getElementById('rotationToggle').addEventListener('click', event => {
isRotationActive = !isRotationActive
isRotationActive = !isRotationActive
event.target.innerHTML = `${(isRotationActive ? '暂停' : '重置')} 旋转`;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
"nodes": [
{"id": "Myriel", "group": 1},
{"id": "Napoleon", "group": 1},
{"id": "Mlle.Baptistine", "group": 1},
{"id": "Mme.Magloire", "group": 1},
{"id": "CountessdeLo", "group": 1},
{"id": "Geborand", "group": 1},
{"id": "Champtercier", "group": 1},
{"id": "Cravatte", "group": 1},
{"id": "Count", "group": 1},
{"id": "OldMan", "group": 1},
{"id": "Labarre", "group": 2},
{"id": "Valjean", "group": 2},
{"id": "Marguerite", "group": 3},
{"id": "Mme.deR", "group": 2},
{"id": "Isabeau", "group": 2},
{"id": "Gervais", "group": 2},
{"id": "Tholomyes", "group": 3},
{"id": "Listolier", "group": 3},
{"id": "Fameuil", "group": 3},
{"id": "Blacheville", "group": 3},
{"id": "Favourite", "group": 3},
{"id": "Dahlia", "group": 3},
{"id": "Zephine", "group": 3},
{"id": "Fantine", "group": 3},
{"id": "Mme.Thenardier", "group": 4},
{"id": "Thenardier", "group": 4},
{"id": "Cosette", "group": 5},
{"id": "Javert", "group": 4},
{"id": "Fauchelevent", "group": 0},
{"id": "Bamatabois", "group": 2},
{"id": "Perpetue", "group": 3},
{"id": "Simplice", "group": 2},
{"id": "Scaufflaire", "group": 2},
{"id": "Woman1", "group": 2},
{"id": "Judge", "group": 2},
{"id": "Champmathieu", "group": 2},
{"id": "Brevet", "group": 2},
{"id": "Chenildieu", "group": 2},
{"id": "Cochepaille", "group": 2},
{"id": "Pontmercy", "group": 4},
{"id": "Boulatruelle", "group": 6},
{"id": "Eponine", "group": 4},
{"id": "Anzelma", "group": 4},
{"id": "Woman2", "group": 5},
{"id": "MotherInnocent", "group": 0},
{"id": "Gribier", "group": 0},
{"id": "Jondrette", "group": 7},
{"id": "Mme.Burgon", "group": 7},
{"id": "Gavroche", "group": 8},
{"id": "Gillenormand", "group": 5},
{"id": "Magnon", "group": 5},
{"id": "Mlle.Gillenormand", "group": 5},
{"id": "Mme.Pontmercy", "group": 5},
{"id": "Mlle.Vaubois", "group": 5},
{"id": "Lt.Gillenormand", "group": 5},
{"id": "Marius", "group": 8},
{"id": "BaronessT", "group": 5},
{"id": "Mabeuf", "group": 8},
{"id": "Enjolras", "group": 8},
{"id": "Combeferre", "group": 8},
{"id": "Prouvaire", "group": 8},
{"id": "Feuilly", "group": 8},
{"id": "Courfeyrac", "group": 8},
{"id": "Bahorel", "group": 8},
{"id": "Bossuet", "group": 8},
{"id": "Joly", "group": 8},
{"id": "Grantaire", "group": 8},
{"id": "MotherPlutarch", "group": 9},
{"id": "Gueulemer", "group": 4},
{"id": "Babet", "group": 4},
{"id": "Claquesous", "group": 4},
{"id": "Montparnasse", "group": 4},
{"id": "Toussaint", "group": 5},
{"id": "Child1", "group": 10},
{"id": "Child2", "group": 10},
{"id": "Brujon", "group": 4},
{"id": "Mme.Hucheloup", "group": 8}
"links": [
{"source": "Napoleon", "target": "Myriel", "value": 1},
{"source": "Mlle.Baptistine", "target": "Myriel", "value": 8},
{"source": "Mme.Magloire", "target": "Myriel", "value": 10},
{"source": "Mme.Magloire", "target": "Mlle.Baptistine", "value": 6},
{"source": "CountessdeLo", "target": "Myriel", "value": 1},
{"source": "Geborand", "target": "Myriel", "value": 1},
{"source": "Champtercier", "target": "Myriel", "value": 1},
{"source": "Cravatte", "target": "Myriel", "value": 1},
{"source": "Count", "target": "Myriel", "value": 2},
{"source": "OldMan", "target": "Myriel", "value": 1},
{"source": "Valjean", "target": "Labarre", "value": 1},
{"source": "Valjean", "target": "Mme.Magloire", "value": 3},
{"source": "Valjean", "target": "Mlle.Baptistine", "value": 3},
{"source": "Valjean", "target": "Myriel", "value": 5},
{"source": "Marguerite", "target": "Valjean", "value": 1},
{"source": "Mme.deR", "target": "Valjean", "value": 1},
{"source": "Isabeau", "target": "Valjean", "value": 1},
{"source": "Gervais", "target": "Valjean", "value": 1},
{"source": "Listolier", "target": "Tholomyes", "value": 4},
{"source": "Fameuil", "target": "Tholomyes", "value": 4},
{"source": "Fameuil", "target": "Listolier", "value": 4},
{"source": "Blacheville", "target": "Tholomyes", "value": 4},
{"source": "Blacheville", "target": "Listolier", "value": 4},
{"source": "Blacheville", "target": "Fameuil", "value": 4},
{"source": "Favourite", "target": "Tholomyes", "value": 3},
{"source": "Favourite", "target": "Listolier", "value": 3},
{"source": "Favourite", "target": "Fameuil", "value": 3},
{"source": "Favourite", "target": "Blacheville", "value": 4},
{"source": "Dahlia", "target": "Tholomyes", "value": 3},
{"source": "Dahlia", "target": "Listolier", "value": 3},
{"source": "Dahlia", "target": "Fameuil", "value": 3},
{"source": "Dahlia", "target": "Blacheville", "value": 3},
{"source": "Dahlia", "target": "Favourite", "value": 5},
{"source": "Zephine", "target": "Tholomyes", "value": 3},
{"source": "Zephine", "target": "Listolier", "value": 3},
{"source": "Zephine", "target": "Fameuil", "value": 3},
{"source": "Zephine", "target": "Blacheville", "value": 3},
{"source": "Zephine", "target": "Favourite", "value": 4},
{"source": "Zephine", "target": "Dahlia", "value": 4},
{"source": "Fantine", "target": "Tholomyes", "value": 3},
{"source": "Fantine", "target": "Listolier", "value": 3},
{"source": "Fantine", "target": "Fameuil", "value": 3},
{"source": "Fantine", "target": "Blacheville", "value": 3},
{"source": "Fantine", "target": "Favourite", "value": 4},
{"source": "Fantine", "target": "Dahlia", "value": 4},
{"source": "Fantine", "target": "Zephine", "value": 4},
{"source": "Fantine", "target": "Marguerite", "value": 2},
{"source": "Fantine", "target": "Valjean", "value": 9},
{"source": "Mme.Thenardier", "target": "Fantine", "value": 2},
{"source": "Mme.Thenardier", "target": "Valjean", "value": 7},
{"source": "Thenardier", "target": "Mme.Thenardier", "value": 13},
{"source": "Thenardier", "target": "Fantine", "value": 1},
{"source": "Thenardier", "target": "Valjean", "value": 12},
{"source": "Cosette", "target": "Mme.Thenardier", "value": 4},
{"source": "Cosette", "target": "Valjean", "value": 31},
{"source": "Cosette", "target": "Tholomyes", "value": 1},
{"source": "Cosette", "target": "Thenardier", "value": 1},
{"source": "Javert", "target": "Valjean", "value": 17},
{"source": "Javert", "target": "Fantine", "value": 5},
{"source": "Javert", "target": "Thenardier", "value": 5},
{"source": "Javert", "target": "Mme.Thenardier", "value": 1},
{"source": "Javert", "target": "Cosette", "value": 1},
{"source": "Fauchelevent", "target": "Valjean", "value": 8},
{"source": "Fauchelevent", "target": "Javert", "value": 1},
{"source": "Bamatabois", "target": "Fantine", "value": 1},
{"source": "Bamatabois", "target": "Javert", "value": 1},
{"source": "Bamatabois", "target": "Valjean", "value": 2},
{"source": "Perpetue", "target": "Fantine", "value": 1},
{"source": "Simplice", "target": "Perpetue", "value": 2},
{"source": "Simplice", "target": "Valjean", "value": 3},
{"source": "Simplice", "target": "Fantine", "value": 2},
{"source": "Simplice", "target": "Javert", "value": 1},
{"source": "Scaufflaire", "target": "Valjean", "value": 1},
{"source": "Woman1", "target": "Valjean", "value": 2},
{"source": "Woman1", "target": "Javert", "value": 1},
{"source": "Judge", "target": "Valjean", "value": 3},
{"source": "Judge", "target": "Bamatabois", "value": 2},
{"source": "Champmathieu", "target": "Valjean", "value": 3},
{"source": "Champmathieu", "target": "Judge", "value": 3},
{"source": "Champmathieu", "target": "Bamatabois", "value": 2},
{"source": "Brevet", "target": "Judge", "value": 2},
{"source": "Brevet", "target": "Champmathieu", "value": 2},
{"source": "Brevet", "target": "Valjean", "value": 2},
{"source": "Brevet", "target": "Bamatabois", "value": 1},
{"source": "Chenildieu", "target": "Judge", "value": 2},
{"source": "Chenildieu", "target": "Champmathieu", "value": 2},
{"source": "Chenildieu", "target": "Brevet", "value": 2},
{"source": "Chenildieu", "target": "Valjean", "value": 2},
{"source": "Chenildieu", "target": "Bamatabois", "value": 1},
{"source": "Cochepaille", "target": "Judge", "value": 2},
{"source": "Cochepaille", "target": "Champmathieu", "value": 2},
{"source": "Cochepaille", "target": "Brevet", "value": 2},
{"source": "Cochepaille", "target": "Chenildieu", "value": 2},
{"source": "Cochepaille", "target": "Valjean", "value": 2},
{"source": "Cochepaille", "target": "Bamatabois", "value": 1},
{"source": "Pontmercy", "target": "Thenardier", "value": 1},
{"source": "Boulatruelle", "target": "Thenardier", "value": 1},
{"source": "Eponine", "target": "Mme.Thenardier", "value": 2},
{"source": "Eponine", "target": "Thenardier", "value": 3},
{"source": "Anzelma", "target": "Eponine", "value": 2},
{"source": "Anzelma", "target": "Thenardier", "value": 2},
{"source": "Anzelma", "target": "Mme.Thenardier", "value": 1},
{"source": "Woman2", "target": "Valjean", "value": 3},
{"source": "Woman2", "target": "Cosette", "value": 1},
{"source": "Woman2", "target": "Javert", "value": 1},
{"source": "MotherInnocent", "target": "Fauchelevent", "value": 3},
{"source": "MotherInnocent", "target": "Valjean", "value": 1},
{"source": "Gribier", "target": "Fauchelevent", "value": 2},
{"source": "Mme.Burgon", "target": "Jondrette", "value": 1},
{"source": "Gavroche", "target": "Mme.Burgon", "value": 2},
{"source": "Gavroche", "target": "Thenardier", "value": 1},
{"source": "Gavroche", "target": "Javert", "value": 1},
{"source": "Gavroche", "target": "Valjean", "value": 1},
{"source": "Gillenormand", "target": "Cosette", "value": 3},
{"source": "Gillenormand", "target": "Valjean", "value": 2},
{"source": "Magnon", "target": "Gillenormand", "value": 1},
{"source": "Magnon", "target": "Mme.Thenardier", "value": 1},
{"source": "Mlle.Gillenormand", "target": "Gillenormand", "value": 9},
{"source": "Mlle.Gillenormand", "target": "Cosette", "value": 2},
{"source": "Mlle.Gillenormand", "target": "Valjean", "value": 2},
{"source": "Mme.Pontmercy", "target": "Mlle.Gillenormand", "value": 1},
{"source": "Mme.Pontmercy", "target": "Pontmercy", "value": 1},
{"source": "Mlle.Vaubois", "target": "Mlle.Gillenormand", "value": 1},
{"source": "Lt.Gillenormand", "target": "Mlle.Gillenormand", "value": 2},
{"source": "Lt.Gillenormand", "target": "Gillenormand", "value": 1},
{"source": "Lt.Gillenormand", "target": "Cosette", "value": 1},
{"source": "Marius", "target": "Mlle.Gillenormand", "value": 6},
{"source": "Marius", "target": "Gillenormand", "value": 12},
{"source": "Marius", "target": "Pontmercy", "value": 1},
{"source": "Marius", "target": "Lt.Gillenormand", "value": 1},
{"source": "Marius", "target": "Cosette", "value": 21},
{"source": "Marius", "target": "Valjean", "value": 19},
{"source": "Marius", "target": "Tholomyes", "value": 1},
{"source": "Marius", "target": "Thenardier", "value": 2},
{"source": "Marius", "target": "Eponine", "value": 5},
{"source": "Marius", "target": "Gavroche", "value": 4},
{"source": "BaronessT", "target": "Gillenormand", "value": 1},
{"source": "BaronessT", "target": "Marius", "value": 1},
{"source": "Mabeuf", "target": "Marius", "value": 1},
{"source": "Mabeuf", "target": "Eponine", "value": 1},
{"source": "Mabeuf", "target": "Gavroche", "value": 1},
{"source": "Enjolras", "target": "Marius", "value": 7},
{"source": "Enjolras", "target": "Gavroche", "value": 7},
{"source": "Enjolras", "target": "Javert", "value": 6},
{"source": "Enjolras", "target": "Mabeuf", "value": 1},
{"source": "Enjolras", "target": "Valjean", "value": 4},
{"source": "Combeferre", "target": "Enjolras", "value": 15},
{"source": "Combeferre", "target": "Marius", "value": 5},
{"source": "Combeferre", "target": "Gavroche", "value": 6},
{"source": "Combeferre", "target": "Mabeuf", "value": 2},
{"source": "Prouvaire", "target": "Gavroche", "value": 1},
{"source": "Prouvaire", "target": "Enjolras", "value": 4},
{"source": "Prouvaire", "target": "Combeferre", "value": 2},
{"source": "Feuilly", "target": "Gavroche", "value": 2},
{"source": "Feuilly", "target": "Enjolras", "value": 6},
{"source": "Feuilly", "target": "Prouvaire", "value": 2},
{"source": "Feuilly", "target": "Combeferre", "value": 5},
{"source": "Feuilly", "target": "Mabeuf", "value": 1},
{"source": "Feuilly", "target": "Marius", "value": 1},
{"source": "Courfeyrac", "target": "Marius", "value": 9},
{"source": "Courfeyrac", "target": "Enjolras", "value": 17},
{"source": "Courfeyrac", "target": "Combeferre", "value": 13},
{"source": "Courfeyrac", "target": "Gavroche", "value": 7},
{"source": "Courfeyrac", "target": "Mabeuf", "value": 2},
{"source": "Courfeyrac", "target": "Eponine", "value": 1},
{"source": "Courfeyrac", "target": "Feuilly", "value": 6},
{"source": "Courfeyrac", "target": "Prouvaire", "value": 3},
{"source": "Bahorel", "target": "Combeferre", "value": 5},
{"source": "Bahorel", "target": "Gavroche", "value": 5},
{"source": "Bahorel", "target": "Courfeyrac", "value": 6},
{"source": "Bahorel", "target": "Mabeuf", "value": 2},
{"source": "Bahorel", "target": "Enjolras", "value": 4},
{"source": "Bahorel", "target": "Feuilly", "value": 3},
{"source": "Bahorel", "target": "Prouvaire", "value": 2},
{"source": "Bahorel", "target": "Marius", "value": 1},
{"source": "Bossuet", "target": "Marius", "value": 5},
{"source": "Bossuet", "target": "Courfeyrac", "value": 12},
{"source": "Bossuet", "target": "Gavroche", "value": 5},
{"source": "Bossuet", "target": "Bahorel", "value": 4},
{"source": "Bossuet", "target": "Enjolras", "value": 10},
{"source": "Bossuet", "target": "Feuilly", "value": 6},
{"source": "Bossuet", "target": "Prouvaire", "value": 2},
{"source": "Bossuet", "target": "Combeferre", "value": 9},
{"source": "Bossuet", "target": "Mabeuf", "value": 1},
{"source": "Bossuet", "target": "Valjean", "value": 1},
{"source": "Joly", "target": "Bahorel", "value": 5},
{"source": "Joly", "target": "Bossuet", "value": 7},
{"source": "Joly", "target": "Gavroche", "value": 3},
{"source": "Joly", "target": "Courfeyrac", "value": 5},
{"source": "Joly", "target": "Enjolras", "value": 5},
{"source": "Joly", "target": "Feuilly", "value": 5},
{"source": "Joly", "target": "Prouvaire", "value": 2},
{"source": "Joly", "target": "Combeferre", "value": 5},
{"source": "Joly", "target": "Mabeuf", "value": 1},
{"source": "Joly", "target": "Marius", "value": 2},
{"source": "Grantaire", "target": "Bossuet", "value": 3},
{"source": "Grantaire", "target": "Enjolras", "value": 3},
{"source": "Grantaire", "target": "Combeferre", "value": 1},
{"source": "Grantaire", "target": "Courfeyrac", "value": 2},
{"source": "Grantaire", "target": "Joly", "value": 2},
{"source": "Grantaire", "target": "Gavroche", "value": 1},
{"source": "Grantaire", "target": "Bahorel", "value": 1},
{"source": "Grantaire", "target": "Feuilly", "value": 1},
{"source": "Grantaire", "target": "Prouvaire", "value": 1},
{"source": "MotherPlutarch", "target": "Mabeuf", "value": 3},
{"source": "Gueulemer", "target": "Thenardier", "value": 5},
{"source": "Gueulemer", "target": "Valjean", "value": 1},
{"source": "Gueulemer", "target": "Mme.Thenardier", "value": 1},
{"source": "Gueulemer", "target": "Javert", "value": 1},
{"source": "Gueulemer", "target": "Gavroche", "value": 1},
{"source": "Gueulemer", "target": "Eponine", "value": 1},
{"source": "Babet", "target": "Thenardier", "value": 6},
{"source": "Babet", "target": "Gueulemer", "value": 6},
{"source": "Babet", "target": "Valjean", "value": 1},
{"source": "Babet", "target": "Mme.Thenardier", "value": 1},
{"source": "Babet", "target": "Javert", "value": 2},
{"source": "Babet", "target": "Gavroche", "value": 1},
{"source": "Babet", "target": "Eponine", "value": 1},
{"source": "Claquesous", "target": "Thenardier", "value": 4},
{"source": "Claquesous", "target": "Babet", "value": 4},
{"source": "Claquesous", "target": "Gueulemer", "value": 4},
{"source": "Claquesous", "target": "Valjean", "value": 1},
{"source": "Claquesous", "target": "Mme.Thenardier", "value": 1},
{"source": "Claquesous", "target": "Javert", "value": 1},
{"source": "Claquesous", "target": "Eponine", "value": 1},
{"source": "Claquesous", "target": "Enjolras", "value": 1},
{"source": "Montparnasse", "target": "Javert", "value": 1},
{"source": "Montparnasse", "target": "Babet", "value": 2},
{"source": "Montparnasse", "target": "Gueulemer", "value": 2},
{"source": "Montparnasse", "target": "Claquesous", "value": 2},
{"source": "Montparnasse", "target": "Valjean", "value": 1},
{"source": "Montparnasse", "target": "Gavroche", "value": 1},
{"source": "Montparnasse", "target": "Eponine", "value": 1},
{"source": "Montparnasse", "target": "Thenardier", "value": 1},
{"source": "Toussaint", "target": "Cosette", "value": 2},
{"source": "Toussaint", "target": "Javert", "value": 1},
{"source": "Toussaint", "target": "Valjean", "value": 1},
{"source": "Child1", "target": "Gavroche", "value": 2},
{"source": "Child2", "target": "Gavroche", "value": 2},
{"source": "Child2", "target": "Child1", "value": 3},
{"source": "Brujon", "target": "Babet", "value": 3},
{"source": "Brujon", "target": "Gueulemer", "value": 3},
{"source": "Brujon", "target": "Thenardier", "value": 3},
{"source": "Brujon", "target": "Gavroche", "value": 1},
{"source": "Brujon", "target": "Eponine", "value": 1},
{"source": "Brujon", "target": "Claquesous", "value": 1},
{"source": "Brujon", "target": "Montparnasse", "value": 1},
{"source": "Mme.Hucheloup", "target": "Bossuet", "value": 1},
{"source": "Mme.Hucheloup", "target": "Joly", "value": 1},
{"source": "Mme.Hucheloup", "target": "Grantaire", "value": 1},
{"source": "Mme.Hucheloup", "target": "Bahorel", "value": 1},
{"source": "Mme.Hucheloup", "target": "Courfeyrac", "value": 1},
{"source": "Mme.Hucheloup", "target": "Gavroche", "value": 1},
{"source": "Mme.Hucheloup", "target": "Enjolras", "value": 1}

View File

@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ import graphViewV4 from "@/views/graphViewV4";
import 风险传导 from "@/views/风险传导"
import 大屏 from '../bigscreen/大屏.vue'
import widerscreen from '../widerscreen/index.vue'
import widerscreen1 from '../widerscreen/index1.vue'
import widerscreen0 from '../widerscreen/index0.vue'
import UserManagement from '../views/UserManagement.vue'
import SSE from "@/views/SSE";
@ -154,7 +156,9 @@ const routes = [
{path:'/bigscreen',name :'bigscreen',component: 大屏,},
{path:'/widerscreen',name :'widerscreen',component: widerscreen,},
{path:'/widerscreen',name :'widerscreen',component: widerscreen},
{path:'/widerscreen1',name :'widerscreen1',component: widerscreen1},
{path:'/widerscreen0',name :'widerscreen0',component: widerscreen0},
{path:'/test',name :'test',component: test,},
{path:'/sse',name :'sse',component: SSE,},
{path:'/systemrisk',name :'systemrisk',component: systemRiskV2,}
@ -175,7 +179,7 @@ export const isLogin=false;
router.beforeEach(async(to,from,next) => {
const allowedRoutes = ['/systematic_risk', '/market_entities','/individual_risk','/influential_entities'
const name=sessionStorage.getItem('user')
// if (allowedRoutes.includes(to.path)) {
// next();

View File

@ -53,7 +53,6 @@
<span style="padding-left: 50px;">边类型总数</span>
<div style="flex:0 1 34%">
@ -67,8 +66,6 @@
<span style="padding-right: 50px;">节点类型总数</span>
<span style="padding-left: 50px;">边类型总数</span>
<div style="flex:0 1 33%">
@ -92,7 +89,6 @@
<dv-border-box-13 style="width:100%;height:300px;">
<h3 style="padding-top: 15px;padding-left: 15px;padding-right: 15px">健康指数</h3>
<!-- <dv-capsule-chart :config="config" style="width:100%;height:350px" /> -->
<div style="flex:0 1 34%">
@ -106,7 +102,6 @@
<dv-border-box-13 style="width:100%;height:300px;">
<h3 style="padding-top: 15px;padding-left: 15px;padding-right: 15px">健康指数</h3>
<!-- <dv-capsule-chart :config="config" style="width:100%;height:350px" /> -->
@ -115,23 +110,26 @@
<div class="charts-row" style="">
<div style="flex:0 1 33%">
<dv-border-box-13 style="width:100%;height:300px;">
<h3 style="padding-top: 15px;padding-left: 15px;padding-right: 15px">区域分析</h3>
<!-- <dv-conical-column-chart :config="config3" style="width:100%;height:300px;" /> -->
<Map />
<h3 style="padding-top: 15px;padding-left: 15px;padding-right: 15px">异常监测结果</h3>
<div style="display: flex;justify-content: center;align-items: center;">
<dv-scroll-board :config="config22" style="width:95%;height:220px;" />
<div style="flex:0 1 34%">
<dv-border-box-13 style="width:100%;height:300px;">
<h3 style="padding-top: 15px;padding-left: 15px;padding-right: 15px">区域分析</h3>
<!-- <dv-conical-column-chart :config="config3" style="width:100%;height:300px;" /> -->
<Map />
<h3 style="padding-top: 15px;padding-left: 15px;padding-right: 15px">异常监测结果</h3>
<div style="display: flex;justify-content: center;align-items: center;">
<dv-scroll-board :config="config22" style="width:95%;height:220px;" />
<div style="flex:0 1 33%">
<dv-border-box-13 style="width:100%;height:300px;">
<h3 style="padding-top: 15px;padding-left: 15px;padding-right: 15px">区域分析</h3>
<!-- <dv-conical-column-chart :config="config3" style="width:100%;height:300px;" /> -->
<Map />
<h3 style="padding-top: 15px;padding-left: 15px;padding-right: 15px">异常监测结果</h3>
<div style="display: flex;justify-content: center;align-items: center;">
<dv-scroll-board :config="config22" style="width:95%;height:220px;" />
@ -190,12 +188,10 @@
<span style="padding-right: 60px;">节点总数</span>
<span style="padding-left: 55px;">边总数</span>
<!-- <dv-capsule-chart :config="config" style="width:100%;height:300px" /> -->
<dv-border-box-13 style="width:100%;height:400px;">
<h3 style="padding-top: 15px;padding-left: 15px;padding-right: 15px">区域分析</h3>
<!-- <dv-conical-column-chart :config="config3" style="width:100%;height:300px;" /> -->
<Map />
@ -215,9 +211,7 @@
<div style="flex:0 1 50%">
<dv-border-box-13 style="width:100%;height:300px;">
<h3 style="padding-top: 15px;padding-left: 15px;padding-right: 15px">系统性风险指数</h3>
<!-- <CapsuleChart :dataChart="items"/> -->
<LineChart />
@ -320,23 +314,26 @@
<div class="charts-row" style="">
<div style="flex:0 1 33%">
<dv-border-box-13 style="width:100%;height:300px;">
<h3 style="padding-top: 15px;padding-left: 15px;padding-right: 15px">区域分析</h3>
<!-- <dv-conical-column-chart :config="config3" style="width:100%;height:300px;" /> -->
<Map />
<h3 style="padding-top: 15px;padding-left: 15px;padding-right: 15px">异常监测结果</h3>
<div style="display: flex;justify-content: center;align-items: center;">
<dv-scroll-board :config="config22" style="width:95%;height:220px;" />
<div style="flex:0 1 34%">
<dv-border-box-13 style="width:100%;height:300px;">
<h3 style="padding-top: 15px;padding-left: 15px;padding-right: 15px">区域分析</h3>
<!-- <dv-conical-column-chart :config="config3" style="width:100%;height:300px;" /> -->
<Map />
<h3 style="padding-top: 15px;padding-left: 15px;padding-right: 15px">异常监测结果</h3>
<div style="display: flex;justify-content: center;align-items: center;">
<dv-scroll-board :config="config22" style="width:95%;height:220px;" />
<div style="flex:0 1 33%">
<dv-border-box-13 style="width:100%;height:300px;">
<h3 style="padding-top: 15px;padding-left: 15px;padding-right: 15px">区域分析</h3>
<!-- <dv-conical-column-chart :config="config3" style="width:100%;height:300px;" /> -->
<Map />
<h3 style="padding-top: 15px;padding-left: 15px;padding-right: 15px">异常监测结果</h3>
<div style="display: flex;justify-content: center;align-items: center;">
<dv-scroll-board :config="config22" style="width:95%;height:220px;" />
@ -659,7 +656,7 @@ export default {
mounted() {
window.addEventListener("resize", this.debounce(this.setScale));

src/widerscreen/index0.vue Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,818 @@
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<h2 style="width: 260px;">大规模泛金融知识图谱系统</h2>
<!-- <div style="font-size: large;">大规模泛金融知识图谱系统</div> -->
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<!-- 第一行 -->
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<div style="flex:0 1 33%">
<dv-border-box-13 style="width:100%;height:300px;">
<h3 style="padding-top: 15px;padding-left: 15px;padding-right: 15px">类型统计</h3>
<div style="display: flex;justify-content: center;align-items: center;">
<dv-decoration-9 style="width:120px;height:120px;margin-right:30px;" dur=5><h1 style="color: rgba(255,215,0);">48</h1></dv-decoration-9>
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<div style="display: flex;justify-content: center;align-items: center;">
<span style="padding-right: 50px;">节点类型总数</span>
<span style="padding-left: 50px;">边类型总数</span>
<div style="flex:0 1 34%">
<dv-border-box-13 style="width:100%;height:300px;">
<h3 style="padding-top: 15px;padding-left: 15px;padding-right: 15px">类型统计</h3>
<div style="display: flex;justify-content: center;align-items: center;">
<dv-decoration-9 style="width:120px;height:120px;margin-right:30px;" dur=5><h1 style="color: rgba(255,215,0);">48</h1></dv-decoration-9>
<dv-decoration-9 style="width:120px;height:120px;margin-left: 30px;" dur=5><h1 style="color: rgba(255,215,0);">38</h1></dv-decoration-9>
<div style="display: flex;justify-content: center;align-items: center;">
<span style="padding-right: 50px;">节点类型总数</span>
<span style="padding-left: 50px;">边类型总数</span>
<div style="flex:0 1 33%">
<dv-border-box-13 style="width:100%;height:300px;">
<h3 style="padding-top: 15px;padding-left: 15px;padding-right: 15px">类型统计</h3>
<div style="display: flex;justify-content: center;align-items: center;">
<dv-decoration-9 style="width:120px;height:120px;margin-right:30px;" dur=5><h1 style="color: rgba(255,215,0);">48</h1></dv-decoration-9>
<dv-decoration-9 style="width:120px;height:120px;margin-left: 30px;" dur=5><h1 style="color: rgba(255,215,0);">38</h1></dv-decoration-9>
<div style="display: flex;justify-content: center;align-items: center;">
<span style="padding-right: 50px;">节点类型总数</span>
<span style="padding-left: 50px;">边类型总数</span>
<!-- 第二行 -->
<div class="charts-row" style="">
<div style="flex:0 1 33%">
<dv-border-box-13 style="width:100%;height:300px;">
<h3 style="padding-top: 15px;padding-left: 15px;padding-right: 15px">健康指数</h3>
<div style="flex:0 1 34%">
<dv-border-box-13 style="width:100%;height:300px;">
<h3 style="padding-top: 15px;padding-left: 15px;padding-right: 15px">健康指数</h3>
<!-- <dv-capsule-chart :config="config" style="width:100%;height:350px" /> -->
<div style="flex:0 1 33%">
<dv-border-box-13 style="width:100%;height:300px;">
<h3 style="padding-top: 15px;padding-left: 15px;padding-right: 15px">健康指数</h3>
<!-- 第三行 -->
<div class="charts-row" style="">
<div style="flex:0 1 33%">
<dv-border-box-13 style="width:100%;height:300px;">
<h3 style="padding-top: 15px;padding-left: 15px;padding-right: 15px">异常监测结果</h3>
<div style="display: flex;justify-content: center;align-items: center;">
<dv-scroll-board :config="config22" style="width:95%;height:220px;" />
<div style="flex:0 1 34%">
<dv-border-box-13 style="width:100%;height:300px;">
<h3 style="padding-top: 15px;padding-left: 15px;padding-right: 15px">异常监测结果</h3>
<div style="display: flex;justify-content: center;align-items: center;">
<dv-scroll-board :config="config22" style="width:95%;height:220px;" />
<div style="flex:0 1 33%">
<dv-border-box-13 style="width:100%;height:300px;">
<h3 style="padding-top: 15px;padding-left: 15px;padding-right: 15px">异常监测结果</h3>
<div style="display: flex;justify-content: center;align-items: center;">
<dv-scroll-board :config="config22" style="width:95%;height:220px;" />
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<!-- 第一行 一列 课程概览 -->
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<div style="flex:0 1 25%">
<dv-border-box-13 style="width:100%;height:200px;">
<h3 style="padding-top: 15px;padding-left: 15px;padding-right: 15px">类型统计</h3>
<!-- <Chart /> -->
<div style="display: flex;justify-content: center;align-items: center;">
<dv-decoration-9 style="width:120px;height:120px;margin-right:30px;" dur=5><h1 style="color: rgba(255,215,0);">48</h1></dv-decoration-9>
<dv-decoration-9 style="width:120px;height:120px;margin-left: 30px;" dur=5><h1 style="color: rgba(255,215,0);">38</h1></dv-decoration-9>
<div style="display: flex;justify-content: center;align-items: center;">
<span style="padding-right: 50px;">节点类型总数</span>
<span style="padding-left: 50px;">边类型总数</span>
<dv-border-box-13 style="width:100%;height:400px;">
<h3 style="padding-top: 15px;padding-left: 15px;padding-right: 15px">健康指数</h3>
<!-- <dv-capsule-chart :config="config" style="width:100%;height:350px" /> -->
<div style="flex:0 1 50%">
<dv-border-box-1 style="width:100%;height:600px;">
<!-- 图谱 -->
<iframe src="/static/3d-force-graph/index0.html" ref="iframe" width="100%" height="600px" scrolling="no"></iframe>
<div style="flex:0 1 25%">
<dv-border-box-13 style="width:100%;height:200px;">
<h3 style="padding-top: 15px;padding-left: 15px;padding-right: 15px">图谱统计</h3>
<div style="display: flex;justify-content: center;align-items: center;">
<dv-decoration-9 style="width:123px;height:123px;margin-right:30px;" dur=5><h2 style="color: rgba(255,215,0);">606041</h2></dv-decoration-9>
<dv-decoration-9 style="width:123px;height:123px;margin-left: 30px;" dur=5><h2 style="color: rgba(255,215,0);">1694475</h2></dv-decoration-9>
<div style="display: flex;justify-content: center;align-items: center;">
<span style="padding-right: 60px;">节点总数</span>
<span style="padding-left: 55px;">边总数</span>
<dv-border-box-13 style="width:100%;height:400px;">
<h3 style="padding-top: 15px;padding-left: 15px;padding-right: 15px">区域分析</h3>
<Map />
<!-- 第二行 -->
<div class="charts-row" style="">
<div style="flex:0 1 25%">
<dv-border-box-13 style="width:100%;height:300px;">
<h3 style="padding-top: 15px;padding-left: 15px;padding-right: 15px">舆情预警</h3>
<div style="display: flex;justify-content: center;align-items: center;">
<dv-scroll-board :config="config11" style="width:95%;height:220px;justify-content: center;align-items: center" />
<div style="flex:0 1 50%">
<dv-border-box-13 style="width:100%;height:300px;">
<h3 style="padding-top: 15px;padding-left: 15px;padding-right: 15px">系统性风险指数</h3>
<LineChart />
<div style="flex:0 1 25%">
<dv-border-box-13 style="width:100%;height:300px;">
<h3 style="padding-top: 15px;padding-left: 15px;padding-right: 15px">异常监测结果</h3>
<!-- <CapsuleChart :dataChart="items"/> -->
<div style="display: flex;justify-content: center;align-items: center;">
<dv-scroll-board :config="config22" style="width:95%;height:220px;" />
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<!-- 第一行 -->
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<div style="flex:0 1 33%">
<dv-border-box-13 style="width:100%;height:300px;">
<h3 style="padding-top: 15px;padding-left: 15px;padding-right: 15px">类型统计</h3>
<div style="display: flex;justify-content: center;align-items: center;">
<dv-decoration-9 style="width:120px;height:120px;margin-right:30px;" dur=5><h1 style="color: rgba(255,215,0);">48</h1></dv-decoration-9>
<dv-decoration-9 style="width:120px;height:120px;margin-left: 30px;" dur=5><h1 style="color: rgba(255,215,0);">38</h1></dv-decoration-9>
<div style="display: flex;justify-content: center;align-items: center;">
<span style="padding-right: 50px;">节点类型总数</span>
<span style="padding-left: 50px;">边类型总数</span>
<div style="flex:0 1 34%">
<dv-border-box-13 style="width:100%;height:300px;">
<h3 style="padding-top: 15px;padding-left: 15px;padding-right: 15px">类型统计</h3>
<div style="display: flex;justify-content: center;align-items: center;">
<dv-decoration-9 style="width:120px;height:120px;margin-right:30px;" dur=5><h1 style="color: rgba(255,215,0);">48</h1></dv-decoration-9>
<dv-decoration-9 style="width:120px;height:120px;margin-left: 30px;" dur=5><h1 style="color: rgba(255,215,0);">38</h1></dv-decoration-9>
<div style="display: flex;justify-content: center;align-items: center;">
<span style="padding-right: 50px;">节点类型总数</span>
<span style="padding-left: 50px;">边类型总数</span>
<div style="flex:0 1 33%">
<dv-border-box-13 style="width:100%;height:300px;">
<h3 style="padding-top: 15px;padding-left: 15px;padding-right: 15px">类型统计</h3>
<div style="display: flex;justify-content: center;align-items: center;">
<dv-decoration-9 style="width:120px;height:120px;margin-right:30px;" dur=5><h1 style="color: rgba(255,215,0);">48</h1></dv-decoration-9>
<dv-decoration-9 style="width:120px;height:120px;margin-left: 30px;" dur=5><h1 style="color: rgba(255,215,0);">38</h1></dv-decoration-9>
<div style="display: flex;justify-content: center;align-items: center;">
<span style="padding-right: 50px;">节点类型总数</span>
<span style="padding-left: 50px;">边类型总数</span>
<!-- 第二行 -->
<div class="charts-row" style="">
<div style="flex:0 1 33%">
<dv-border-box-13 style="width:100%;height:300px;">
<h3 style="padding-top: 15px;padding-left: 15px;padding-right: 15px">健康指数</h3>
<!-- <dv-capsule-chart :config="config" style="width:100%;height:350px" /> -->
<div style="flex:0 1 34%">
<dv-border-box-13 style="width:100%;height:300px;">
<h3 style="padding-top: 15px;padding-left: 15px;padding-right: 15px">健康指数</h3>
<!-- <dv-capsule-chart :config="config" style="width:100%;height:350px" /> -->
<div style="flex:0 1 33%">
<dv-border-box-13 style="width:100%;height:300px;">
<h3 style="padding-top: 15px;padding-left: 15px;padding-right: 15px">健康指数</h3>
<!-- <dv-capsule-chart :config="config" style="width:100%;height:350px" /> -->
<!-- 第三行 -->
<div class="charts-row" style="">
<div style="flex:0 1 33%">
<dv-border-box-13 style="width:100%;height:300px;">
<h3 style="padding-top: 15px;padding-left: 15px;padding-right: 15px">异常监测结果</h3>
<div style="display: flex;justify-content: center;align-items: center;">
<dv-scroll-board :config="config22" style="width:95%;height:220px;" />
<div style="flex:0 1 34%">
<dv-border-box-13 style="width:100%;height:300px;">
<h3 style="padding-top: 15px;padding-left: 15px;padding-right: 15px">异常监测结果</h3>
<div style="display: flex;justify-content: center;align-items: center;">
<dv-scroll-board :config="config22" style="width:95%;height:220px;" />
<div style="flex:0 1 33%">
<dv-border-box-13 style="width:100%;height:300px;">
<h3 style="padding-top: 15px;padding-left: 15px;padding-right: 15px">异常监测结果</h3>
<div style="display: flex;justify-content: center;align-items: center;">
<dv-scroll-board :config="config22" style="width:95%;height:220px;" />
<!-- <div class="box-footer">
<span style=""></span>
</div> -->
// @ is an alias to /src
import Map from './components/Map.vue'
import RadarChart from './components/RadarChart.vue'
import CapsuleChart from './components/CapsuleChart.vue';
import LineChart from './components/LineChart.vue'
export default {
name: 'App',
components: {
data() {
return {
scale: 0,
width: 5760,
height: 1080,
data: [
name: '南阳',
value: 167
name: '周口',
value: 67
name: '漯河',
value: 123
name: '郑州',
value: 55
name: '西峡',
value: 98
colors: ['#e062ae', '#fb7293', '#e690d1', '#32c5e9', '#96bfff'],
unit: '单位',
showValue: true
data: [66, 45],
shape: 'roundRect'
data: [
name: '周口',
value: 55
name: '南阳',
value: 120
name: '西峡',
value: 71
name: '驻马店',
value: 66
name: '新乡',
value: 80
name: '信阳',
value: 35
name: '漯河',
value: 15
img: [
centerPoint: [0.48, 0.35],
points: [
position: [0.52, 0.235],
text: '新乡'
position: [0.43, 0.29],
text: '焦作'
position: [0.59, 0.35],
text: '开封'
position: [0.53, 0.47],
text: '许昌'
position: [0.45, 0.54],
text: '平顶山'
position: [0.36, 0.38],
text: '洛阳'
position: [0.62, 0.55],
text: '周口'
position: [0.56, 0.56],
text: '漯河'
position: [0.37, 0.66],
text: '南阳'
position: [0.55, 0.81],
text: '信阳'
position: [0.55, 0.67],
text: '驻马店'
position: [0.37, 0.29],
text: '济源'
position: [0.20, 0.36],
text: '三门峡'
position: [0.76, 0.41],
text: '商丘'
position: [0.59, 0.18],
text: '鹤壁'
position: [0.68, 0.17],
text: '濮阳'
position: [0.59, 0.10],
text: '安阳'
bgImgUrl: require('./assets/map.jpg'),
centerPointImg: {
url: require('./assets/mapCenterPoint.png')
pointsImg: {
url: require('./assets/mapPoint.png')
config11 : {
header: ['主体代码&nbsp', '行业', '&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp预警时刻','&nbsp&nbsp风险水平','风险类型&nbsp'],
data: [
预警时刻:'2023/6/29 16:00',
当前预警时刻:'2023/6/29 16:00',
当前预警时刻:'2023/6/29 16:00',
当前预警时刻:'2023/6/29 16:00',
当前预警时刻:'2023/6/29 16:00',
align: ['right'],
config22 :
data: [
['教育', 7],
['金融业', 1],
['房地产业', 2],
['制造业', 3],
['房地产业', 4],
['批发和零售业', 5],
name: '股权质押',
value: 683
name: '转让股价',
value: 234
name: '股份增持',
value: 240
name: '债券发行',
value: 523
name: '高管变动',
value: 345
name: '产品发布',
value: 320
name: '破产',
value: 280
name: '业绩下滑',
value: 271
methods: {
getScale() {
// 169
const { width, height } = this;
const wh = window.innerHeight / height;
const ww = window.innerWidth / width;
console.log(ww < wh ? ww : wh);
return ww < wh ? ww : wh;
setScale() {
this.scale = this.getScale();
if (this.$refs.ScaleBox) {
this.$refs.ScaleBox.style.setProperty("--scale", this.scale);
debounce(fn, delay) {
const delays = delay || 500;
let timer;
return function () {
const th = this;
const args = arguments;
if (timer) {
timer = setTimeout(function () {
timer = null;
fn.apply(th, args);
}, delays);
mounted() {
window.addEventListener("resize", this.debounce(this.setScale));
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padding-top: 8px;
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width: 15px;
height: 15px;
padding-left: 8px;
.chart {
height: 90%; //
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src/widerscreen/index1.vue Normal file

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